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10.12.2006 – Lil’ Green
Lil’ Green and her twin brother Shorty the Summit Shark were released into the world by Mrs. Hall’s 6th grade science class at Summit Intermediate School. The goal for Lil’ Green is to travel the world and see the sights.
About this item: L
The students will be following the progress of Lil’ Green’s travels. There is distance traveled competition between the two science classed so send Lil’ Green far, far away! Feel free to say hi to the class in the log.
20.12.2006 – Surfing Elmo
I am Quinn”s best friend,he is six and in competition with his 3 year old sister.
I want to beat my sister around the world and see al lot of places.
We like to get many cards from around because my sister is to small to use computers yet.
I sent you always one back.
If not get me further than my sister.
About this item:
Travelbug:surfing Elmo
Watch out for holiday Ernie make a picture if we are together but don”t let us stay in one cache because like brother and sister we fight a lot.
Holiday Ernie is Indy”s travelbug.
26.12.2006 – New Zealand Elephant
As we are probably never going to see New Zealand ourselves we are sending this elephant instead, so that at least he can take pictures of it. We will be grateful for any picture or a message that comes back to us from his kind finders. Should the elephant reach his final destination -New Zealand – it would be great if he could make it back to Pilsen/Plzen, Czech Republic, where we’d collect him again…
29.12.2006 – Telde, Spain – Unite for Diabetes Travel Bug
The goal for this Unite For Diabetes Travel Bug is to raise awareness of diabetes by traveling to Telde and within Telde, collecting photographs and geocaching logs along the way. Please log your visit and move me to a new geocache.
About this item:
Unite for Diabetes Travel BugThis Unite for Diabetes Travel Bug is part of the Unite for Diabetes Geocaching Campaign. To find out more about the Campaign and enter the photo contest, please visit
This Unite for Diabetes Travel Bug is dedicated to the people in Telde, Spain who have been affected by Diabetes. View Geocaches near Telde.
31.12.2006 – Yellow Car
Im Rennen um die meisten Kilometer willst du Red Car (TBKH1A) schlagen.